Automatic delivery
Term of contract, changes, scope of contract, termination, pause
(1) The contract concluded with us for the recurring provision and delivery of olive oil is concluded for an indefinite period (hereinafter also "subscription contract"). A contract with a fixed term or a fixed number of deliveries can only exist in separately identified cases, such as for trial packages or vouchers intended for redemption.
(2) In the case of a contract with a fixed term or a fixed number of agreed deliveries, the contract ends when the term expires or when the agreed deliveries are sent. A separate termination is not required in these cases. Furthermore, the contractual relationship is not automatically extended in these cases.
(3) The subscription contract can be changed by you or amano for each new week as follows: For deliveries that are agreed to be made on Saturday in the same calendar week or Monday of the following week, by Tuesday, 11:59 p.m. German time, for deliveries that have been agreed to take place on Tuesday or Wednesday of the following week, by Thursday, 11:59 p.m. German time of the previous week, and for deliveries that have been agreed to take place on Thursday or Friday of the following week until Sunday 11:59 p.m. German time of the previous week. Deviations from this regulation can be communicated by amano in special cases, for example due to public holidays.
(4) A termination is possible weekly and takes place after the deadlines mentioned in paragraph 3. The time of receipt of the notice of termination is decisive in each case. Late terminations only take effect on the following delivery date. Cancellation before receipt of the first delivery of an olive oil is not possible. The cancellation requires notification in text form to amano.
(5) In the event of a timely cancellation of the contractual relationship, the amount for any orders that may have already been paid for but not delivered will be refunded to you.
(6) Instead of canceling, the delivery of an olive oil can be paused or stopped before each new week through the customer account. The respective deadlines according to § 5 paragraph 3 of these terms and conditions apply accordingly for the receipt of the declaration.